Marco Casarin - Full Testimonial
Carlyn's Video Mirror method helped me understand that what I was thinking and what I was saying did not match up. It also showed me that I could choose to:
Eliminate my self-deprecating communication habits
Pause before acting or responding
Discover and stay focused on what's really important to me
Seek and accept only jobs and roles truly aligned with my values
Another piece of the puzzle that Carlyn helped with was learning that a strong leader can display true empathy without it feeling like a weakness or appearing weak to others. She essentially helped me "peel the onion” to allow people to see the real me and still respect me as a leader. In fact, I think I have become a much better colleague and workplace role model as a result.
For me, there were three key stages. First, not knowing what to expect but believing, falsely, that I was about to get positive feedback on how I currently come across. Then came the big "aha" (thanks to Carlyn's tactful use of video feedback) of how I'd been coming across to others and how my beliefs and actions had not been serving me the way I thought they were. Feeling a bit scared of “what else” I might discover that needs improvement led quickly to the third stage of acceptance and eagerness to understand who I really am behind the unnecessary masks. Once again, Carlyn's skillful use of video played a vital role by helping me see how to adapt my behaviors to the new me and embrace who I really am… and all I can be.